Lunch/Breakfast Project Details
How Can You Help Today? Sign Up to Provide Breakfasts or Lunches for the Unhoused.
Be sure to fill in the most current dates first, ESPECIALLY EMPTY SLOTS THAT ARE COMING UP SOON!
Capitol Hill United Ministries (CHUM) and the Women's Homelessness Initiative (WHI) are working with eight beneficiary agencies, including Colorado Coalition for the Homeless Outreach, The Delores Project, Denver Public Library Outreach, EarthLinks, St. Francis Center Outreach, Urban Peak, and Warren Residences. Please Note: Some delivery locations and contact information have changed. Scroll down for details!
Lunch and Breakfast Site Information
The assigned number of lunches should be delivered to the designated agency by 10:30 a.m. on your assigned day. Breakfasts for EarthLinks should be delivered on Sundays by 4:00 p.m. (Scroll down for lunch and breakfast instructions and ideas.)
The Delores Project (Sundays) - 50 Lunches
1290 King St.
Denver, CO 80204
Contact: Valerie Medina, 720-422-0521 (cell) or Amber,
There is a small parking area. Ring the bell at the entry door, and ask the staff to bring out a cart. Please label items, if possible.
EarthLinks (Sundays) - 50 Breakfasts
NEW REQUEST: Please note changes to EarthLinks' breakfast request (see below or click here).
Deliver to Diana Flahive
624 Lafayette.
Denver, CO 80218
Contact: Jay Reszka, 720-499-4056
Call or text Diana at 303-257-8588 before you come.
Denver Public Library (DPL) Outreach (Mondays) - 50 Lunches
10 W. 14th Avenue Parkway (see drop-off instructions below)
Denver, CO 80204
Contact: Brianne Hanson, 303-968-9019 or Nathan Flory, 303-877-4017
Please plan to meet a DPL peer navigator on E. 13th Ave. at the book drop. The book drop is near the curbside service window. There is parking available next to the building. Call Brianne at 303-968-9019 a few minutes before or upon your arrival, and she will send a staff member out to meet you. As a backup, call the Community Resource Cell Phone at 720-865-1728. Lunches can be dropped off anytime after 8:30 a.m.
NEW DROP-OFF LOCATION! St. Francis Center (SFC) Outreach
(Tuesdays & Thursdays) - 50 Lunches
2347 Curtis Street
Denver, CO 80205
Contact: Elisabeth Francis, 720-285-7251 (cell) (Alternate Contact: Kelda Polomik-Tene, 303-472-3938)
Please text Elisabeth on the morning of your delivery to let her know your ETA to ensure that there are staff in the building to greet you. The outreach office is two doors down from main SFC entrance with a doorbell on both the front and the back alley doors - deliveries can be made at either door. Please use the doorbell, as knocking cannot be heard from inside.
NEW DROP-OFF LOCATION! Urban Peak (Wednesdays) - 50* Lunches (*two slots of 25)
1630 S. Acoma St.
Denver, CO 80223
Contact: Carlos Elizondo (Assistant Kitchen Manager), 469-369-8423; Front Desk, 303-974-2908; or Andrea Alcalas, 303-974-2951
Note: Please try to avoid including ham sandwiches as Urban Peak is now serving more youth who do not eat pork for religious reasons. Thank you!​
Warren Residences* (Thursdays) - 50 Lunches
1630 E 14th Ave. (14th and Gilpin; entrance is on 14th Ave.)
Denver, CO 80218
Contact: Jenn Downey, 720-843-5719 and Isaac Bean, 720-994-9181
Park on 14th Ave. and go to the door at the end of the ramp. If you ring the doorbell, someone should answer. You can also call Jenn at the number above. (*Please be sure to deliver lunches to Warren Residences, and NOT Warren Village.)
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (CCH) Outreach (Fridays) - 50 Lunches
2100 N. Broadway
Denver, CO 80205
Contact: Anita Romero, 303-297-4090; Grace Rhodes, 303-297-4091 or 303-312-9731
The best thing is to park at the head of the alley along Broadway, between Stout and Champa (between the red brick Coalition building at 2100 N. Broadway and a small brick house at 2120 N. Broadway). The front door to the building is on Broadway and they should usually have helpers around to unload.
NOTE: CVC (Colorado Village Collaborative)/SOS (Safe Outdoor Space) no longer requires lunches from CHUM WHI. They informed us that the city will be providing guests with three meals a day beginning in early January 2025.
If for any reason you get no response at your delivery site, call Diana at 303-257-8588, or bring your lunches to another site above or to St. Francis Center at 2323 Curtis.
Lunch suggestions and instructions:
Individually, well-wrapped (in plastic) plain cheese sandwiches, lunchmeat and cheese, PB&J (although some have PB&J fatigue), or be creative. Instead of using bread, consider providing wraps.
Other items you might want to include: a piece of fruit (not apples as they're hard on teeth) or fruit cups, a snack, like chips, pretzel, nuts, etc., maybe something sweet, a napkin, something to drink.
Please place lunches in brown paper bags and mark them to indicate the type of sandwich inside.
Please do not make sandwiches more than two days ahead of time or, according to health advisory, they will be thrown away.
The assigned number of lunches should be delivered to the designated agency by 10:30 a.m. on your assigned day.
Breakfast suggestions:​
Five dozen eggs - hard boiled or uncooked
Fruit, such as mini-oranges and/or bananas for 50 people
Optional: full loaves of breakfast breads (NOT sliced or individually-wrapped), like banana or cranberry-orange, and/or muffins.
PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE DRINKS OF ANY KIND, including bottled water.
Please deliver breakfasts to Diana's porch by 4:00 p.m. on your assigned Sunday.